Blueberries and Bacon for Breakfast

Lord, we aren’t going to have bacon this Saturday.

Saturdays are “special breakfast days.”, Pancakes and bacon.  Only one egg. I’ll have oatmeal.

Lord…  Drifting off into thought, sorting through our patry’s staples from “luxury food”.  Bacon is a luxury. The boys have come to know what day of the week it is by the events. Bacon is an event.

I’d love some blueberries for my oats.  Remembering the price of blueberries, I quickly dismissed the thought.  Sigh.  Sales has pros and cons. Commission checks are a “pro”. The downside? Paychecks are inconsistent. Our salary covers our bills –most of the time. We have much to be thankful for.  But back to my sigh…

“Just two more weeks…”, we always tell each other when it’s especially tight.

Although I know God will always provide, I have a propensity to stress a little too much over finances. Flour…sugar…oil? Check. Blueberries are definitely a luxury item. Thank You, Lord, for what You provide.

Headed for Bible study. Need gas. Checked my wallet. Seven dollars until next paycheck.  I hate asking prayer for finances.  It’s stomps on my pride.  Lord, I’m not mentioning it, okay?  I give You the remaining cash in my wallet, like the little boy gave fish and bread to feed five thousand people.  Do whatever.

Thirty minutes later, I’m sitting among women who delight in God’s Word. I’ve grown to admire and respect these ladies. Prayer requests? “I’m not saying anything,” I reminded God.

“Becky, how can we pray for you?”

“Ummm…just finances. Neil’s company decided to not pay out commissions next week (his was 3K dollars). Since he’s starting a new job, we won’t see a dime of that.  Really needed that.”  I hesitated. “Last week’s check didn’t leave enough to do a grocery run, so…”  I faded off. Then quickly added, “I know God  is going to provide; He always does.” I smiled at the lady next too me ready to hear her request.


Prayer time over. Gathering my purse and papers, Taja quietly pressed a few bills into my hand. “Go get some groceries.”  A feeling of guilt washed over me. “The Lord told me to give this to you.” She smiled and hugged me. “Bless you.” I fought back the tears this time as I began to see how God was providing.

I headed for the door when nother friend approached. “Becky, I work for a food pantry, and I can give you food to carry you for the next few weeks.”  I was stunned,  speechless.

“Uh, that would be great.” I realized this is how God was providing.

Theresa rejoined us. “Go out to lunch with us. My treat.” Looking into her eyes, I heard the Holy Spirit’s voice, “I will do more than just provide what you need.”  Humbled again, I accepted.

“Lord, thank You for showing me how you care for my family. Sometimes it’s easy to see how You care for others and miss, even forget how You care for me.”


As I filled out the paperwork at the Pantry, Melissa stocked a cart full of food.  At home, I laid all the food on our table before putting it away and snapped a picture to remember how God provided.

To my surprise and sheer delight, there among the pile of food, was a package of bacon and not one, but two containers of blueberries!

2 thoughts on “Blueberries and Bacon for Breakfast

  1. I’m in tears. God is so good, above and beyond what we can imagine.
    He knew before you asked and had the blueberries and bacon at the pantry for such a time as this. Don’t ever feel ashamed of whatever situation you are in. It is there to draw you closer to the Lord so I think you are blessed more than those who do it themselves. You have the enviable position of seeing God up close and personal. Thanks for sharing and letting us rejoice with you in God’s goodness.


    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Cheryl. I’m learning that I can’t very well share God’s grace, goodness, and faithfulness if I don’t share my brokenness and need. It’s not very “acceptable” in our culture, but I’m also learning that our society needs God more that I need our society’s stamp of approval. 🙂 Hugs to you and Uncle Cliff (lol…I still call him that!)


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